Vorti-Tek International LLC aims to solve today's problems with tomorrow's technology. Through its novel and breakthrough design of flare tip, Vorti-Tek supersedes others. The new tip is the solution for gas flaring problems. The engineered tip is smokeless, cost-effective, highly efficient, pressure-resilient, safe, reliable, and eco-friendly, with minimal upkeep, simplified troubleshooting, durability, and longevity.
The revolutionized tip is developed and engineered in the field to destroy more VOCs using our patented technology. Smokeless Flares reaches +1800 degrees Fahrenheit with a destruction efficiency of 99% or higher without the need for blowers or other expensive equipment. With the Positive Reversal Ratio Flare Tip (PRR), it handles pressure variations efficiently.
The tip has several patents in the US (one approved, US 11,639,794 B2, and two more are pending). The tip is also tested and evaluated by professionals from both the oil and gas industry and academia. The results are presented and published in major international conferences (International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2023) and top-rated scientific magazines (ACS Omega).
The cutting-edge flaring tip distinguishes itself through exceptional performance, standing out among its counterparts with its ability to produce stable, smokeless flames and effectively manage pressure variations.
The Vorti-Tek team, through their experience, reputation, performance, and high-caliber work, is capable of completing the task within the stipulated deadlines.
Vorti-Tek designs are immense steps in making smokeless flares the world-wide standard in oilfield flare technology.
Brands: Smokeless, cost effective, highly efficient, environmentally friendly flares