Your search produced the following search result(s) for these filters:
Category: All: (Drilling/Completion Services)

Exhibitor List Index

American Completion Tools 3732 Upgraded
STEEL PLATE 2169 Upgraded
Oil States International, Inc. 2439 Upgraded
Ace Well Technology AS 3315
American Completion Tools 3732 Upgraded
American Lucor 4910 Upgraded
American Torque Wrench Inc 4515
Anping Shengjia Hardware Mesh Co., Ltd. 4211
Apiteq 3126
BestoLife Corporation 1009
Bilco Tools, Inc. 2900
Chengdu Wellplus New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 1765
Continental ContiTech 2763
D.P. Jindal Group 4453
Daido Steel Co. Ltd. 1947
Drilex 2746
Durit 823
Elite Seal USA Inc. 3909
Enhanced Drilling 11110
Faithworth Energy Ltd 215
Fineotex Chemical Limited 339
First Marine and Engineering Services Limited 753
Fugro ET2769
Fujian Wanlong Superhard Material Technology Co.,Ltd. 3309
General Carbide Corporation 1867
Geoplex Drillteq Limited 773
Goddie Chemicals International Ltd 115
Haimingrun Co., Ltd 2751
Haojiang Drilling Service Co., Ltd 3409
HDI Instruments, LLC. 1233
Hebei Ruishi Bits Manufacturing Co., Ltd 3214
Hengying Wire Cloth Co Ltd 2647
InFocus Downhole Solutions Inc. 4506
Jiangsu Kefeng Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd 3605
Lilin Petroleum Machincery Co.,Ltd. 1318
Nabors Industries ET2673
Nantong Zhencheng Steel Co., Ltd. 3505
Newland Oiltools Inc. 4751 Upgraded
OEM Components, Inc. 2715
Oil States International, Inc. 2439 Upgraded
Oliden Technology LLC 2005
PEMEX 2429
Pem-Tech Inc 2809
PetroMaterials 4818
Qingdao HNA Oilfield Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd 1205
Qingdao Qingflex Hose Factory 4115
Seed Technologies Corp.Ltd 4009
Sentient Tools Engineering Corp 2127
Shanghai Jefa Machinery Co. , Ltd 2506
SLB 2529
STEEL PLATE 2169 Upgraded
TPM Ltd. 620
Volant Products, Inc. 2115
Waterford Energy Services 2039
Weafri Well Services Co Ltd 762
Well Energy Limited 215
Zhongman Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Co Ltd 1961
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