Well Resolutions Technology
WELL RESOLUTIONS TECHNOLOGY (WRT) was founded in 2012 and is based in Houston, Texas. We are focused on developing and introducing to the Oil and Gas drilling business the most advanced Logging While Drilling technologies. Our main markets are China, Middle East, Asia and Nort America.
WRT is focused on advanced geosteering technologies and has the First In Class BoundaryTracker™ providing 20 feet DOI boundary tracking while sliding (non-rotating). The family of LWD tools includes BoundaryTracker™ EXPRESS and ResTracker™.
Our GeoTracker™ At Bit azimuthal resistivity is first in the business and provides economical
geosteering capability from 36” long sub behind the bit. The AtBit family of tools includes also AtBit Azimuthal Gamma PayZone Tracker™ and AtBit Pressure While Drilling (PWD). We developed Azimuthal Gamma for MWD LithoTracker™.
To allow communication between RSS, AtBit tools and MWD we developed advanced Short Hop technology for data transmission up to 80 feet.
We view the high energy prices as opportunity to grow our business and help the operators increase their capital returns. This year we are launching and exhibiting cutting edge 2.375” Azimuthal Resistivity tool for Coil Tubing drilling. The tool has full boundary tracking capability while non- rotating. It will enable the operators to place the well bores at optimal distance below the top boundary and optimize the well production. For coil tubing re-drilling of old fields this is revolutionary technology. WRT’s 2.375” Azimuthal Resistivity tool for coil tubing will increase exponentially the efficiency and the investment return of re-drilling old oil fields.